I didn’t even pretend I was going to bake this week, so you can’t be disappointed.
This month has been going well…
This is just a quick update on writing life since I’m out of town. I’m at a bachelorette party, this means I am almost officially the last single person in my college friend group. That’s fine, I have no need for real life romance, I have book boyfriends. And if I can’t find one to meet my needs, I can write my own <coughMichaelandWillcough>.
I am ALL over the place this month. I didn’t finish drafting book 6 when I was supposed to. That was due to a horrific combination of writer’s block and family health issues.
I am in the final stretch on the first draft of book 6. In fact, I may be finished by the time this drops. But, I’m not loving it at the moment. That doesn’t mean that I won’t be able to get it to the point that I want. But right now, it’s just not there. There are some changes I know I need to make now, I know what they are, I know how to make them, and I think those will improve things dramatically. I also know some of the places where changes need to be made, but not exactly what those changes are. And maybe, once I make those changes, it will be enough.
Or, maybe it won’t. I’m a little worried my scope is too big and I’m going to have to cut quite a bit of it down. That would have implications for book 5 as well, because I intended to tie up the last strings of book 5 in this book. We’ll see what happens. With the exception of those strings, this is the least interconnected of the books I have left to write for this series. So perhaps, this one just never sees the light of day. Or, perhaps it ends up as a bizarre, full length, bonkers, freebie on here.
The best case scenario is that it becomes like book 3. I’ll be honest, I was not the hugest fan of book 3 when I finished writing it. After the edits and rewrites, it’s probably my favorite. And I’m not even entirely finished with edits yet. Keep your fingers crossed.
As for everything else. I’m supposed to be doing my first round of edits on book 4 right now… that’s not really happening. I have, however, received the first round of edits on book 3 back and made most of the suggested changes. It went back to the editor last Monday. I also have The Baker and the Bookmaker going to the proofreader on the same day.
I got the proof copy of the paperback for The Baker and the Bookmaker today. It’s lovely of course. My reaction wasn’t quite as dramatic as with Courting Scandal but it is still amazing to hold it in your hand.
Look at that sunset, sigh.
In personal news… By the time this comes out, I will be 35. I am in such a different place than I was at 30. The world is in a different place. I’m a published author and business owner. I have a new day job. But, I can no longer pretend I’m in my 20’s, LOL.
Anyway, fingers crossed that Book 6 sees the light of day. I doubt next week will have baked goods either, I’m going to need a month to introvert after a bachelorette.
<3 Ally!